Thursday, May 10, 2012

Terry Moore inks for Schreck portfolio

What started out as a little slice of cheesecake, turned into tiramisu.

So after the insanely detailed Quitely's, and Capullo, I wanted to find something simple to let me lay down some brush strokes with while I figure out what sequential pages I'm gonna do next. My current favorite comic is Terry Moore's- Rachel Rising, so I started looking for some of Moore's pencils, with Katchoo at the top of my list. Well, I couldn't find one, but I did come across this convention pinup he did of Marvel's Black Cat.

Now originally I thought that I would tackle this one in the typical hot chick in a skin-tight, shinny, black leotard way. I mean, I just wanted to loosen up a bit, so I figured this one would be perfect, but the more I looked at his pencils, the more enamored I became with the line-work. Just take a close look at his pencils and see how I tackled them.


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